Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation (IACMI) Preliminary Technology Roadmap: Timelines of Technical Activities and Milestones |
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This survey is being conducted on behalf of the Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation (IACMI). We are seeking your input on the timelines of technical activities and milestones in IACMI's Preliminary Technology Roadmap.
Given IACMI’s budgeting cycles, IACMI required preliminary roadmap results in an accelerated timeframe, to be followed by more thorough stakeholder consultation and roadmap development in FY16 and ongoing roadmap monitoring and updating thereafter. Accordingly, the roadmap development approach has been described in three Phases: - Phase 1: Accelerated roadmap priority identification
- Phase 2: Full roadmap process development, stakeholder engagement, and roadmap development
- Phase 3: Roadmap monitoring and updating
About this Survey The Phase 1 preliminary technology roadmap presents timelines that depict how the technical R&D activities that were deemed to be high priorities for budget period 2 (BP2) will develop over the next five years. The timelines are organized around IACMI's major research focus areas: vehicles, wind energy, compressed gas storage, materials development, and modeling and simulation. These timelines can guide near-term IACMI decisions regarding technology-specific R&D activities by identifying the highest-priority activities that require action in BP2. Further, these timelines also show how BP2 investments will lead to milestones and, ultimately, the five-year IACMI technical objectives: - Reduce production cost of carbon-fiber reinforced composites by >25% in 5 years on a path to >50% in 10 years.
- Demonstrate technologies that reduce embodied energy and GHG emissions of carbon fiber by 50% in 5 years on a path to 75% reduction in 10 years.
- Demonstrate technologies for >80% recyclability or reuse of fiber-reinforced composites in 5 years on a path to >95% in 10 years.
About IACMI IACMI is a $259 million public-private partnership designed to increase domestic production capacity, grow manufacturing and create jobs across the U.S. composite industry. This collaboration of industry, research institutions and state partners is committed to accelerating development and adoption of cutting-edge manufacturing technologies for low-cost, energy-efficient manufacturing of advanced polymer composites for vehicles, wind turbines, and compressed gas storage. IACMI is the fifth Institute in the National Network of Manufacturing Innovation, supported by the US Department of Energy’s Advanced Manufacturing Office. You can learn more about IACMI at www.iacmi.org.
Thank you for your important contribution! |
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